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From Natural Science to Spiritual Science:  Rising To the Challenge Posed by Emerging Technologies

août 27, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT

Saturday August 27th, 3pm EST
From Natural Science to Spiritual Science: 
Rising To the Challenge Posed by Emerging Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) Robotics, Genetic Engineering, and related themes such as the Metaverse, Transhumanism, Posthumanism, and the Exploration of Outer Space including UFOs and so-called Aliens.
Zoom presentation by 
 Florian Sydow
 the Anthroposophical Society in Hawaii.
Florian will be exploring these themes with insights drawn from Anthroposophy which will include the need to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of the Human Double (Doppelganger) and the evolutionary implications of the Eighth Sphere which Rudolf Steiner spoke of very sparingly. These subjects will bring into focus the fact that the Natural Scientific Worldview and the Prevailing Modern Technologies expose humanity one-sidedly to Sub-Nature forces which imperil our collective future. We can however counterbalance these adverse influences by obtaining the necessary spiritual scientific knowledge and gaining direct access to the regions that lie above the upper boundary of nature which begins with the Etheric Realm where the most important event of our time, the Second Coming of Christ in the Etheric is underway. We will also be touching upon indications provided by Rudolf Steiner in his Mystery Plays and elsewhere regarding the potential to develop Moral Technologies that are powered by Etheric Forces mediated by human beings.
The event is organized by program committee of Chicago Rudolf Steiner Branch.
 For more information, please, contact Andrei Onegin at 
The lecture is free, 
$15 suggested donations Please type « Florian S « 
 on the first line of your payment application.
 To make your payment, please, follow the link


Date :
août 27, 2022
Heure :
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT