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2016 Annual Meeting of The North American Geology Group

août 28, 2016 @ 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT

Asking The Granite Itself About Its Origin

A Dialogue with Manifestations of Goethe’s Archetypal Rock within the Coastal Maine Lithotectonic Block

“What we must learn from Goethe above all else is how one should address questions to nature.” Rudolf Steiner

“I stand firm upon the granite and ask the granite itself, if it can grant to me a glimpse into the thought of how the masses came into being, from which it was created.” J.W. Goethe

How does one ask the granite itself? How does one listen for a response? How will the granite answer? How can language be used as a research tool?

This meeting will provide an opportunity to practice Goethean observation in the field and in the laboratory, to participate in study and discussion, and to share research and experiences through lectures and presentations. Four days of geological field trips are planned to investigate the granites, as well as their transitions and contacts to surrounding stratified bedrock.

Please join us on the coast Maine this summer to ask the granite itself about its origins.


Date :
août 28, 2016
Heure :
3:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT



Jonathan Swan
1(207) 318-9337