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More Precious Than Light – A Canada Wide Zoom Workshop with Barbarah Nicoll

octobre 20 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT

Anthroposophy Canada Wide


A few years ago the Branch Development Committee initiated a series on monthly zoom calls to help foster connection between members across our wide and sparsely populated country. These were well received. The new Communications Committee wants to revive these experiences. Here is our first of two offerings this Fall.



Sunday October 20th

1pm PST, 3pm Central, 4pm EST and 5pm Atlantic

(Zoom link coming in the end of September enews)



Listening, Conversation, and Healing the Social Body

A 90-minute zoom workshop with Barbarah Nicoll

« Through sharing biography with a Goethean approach to listening we will practice deeper presencing with each other. »

Barbarah’s short biography:

« In the course of my life I have continuously been involved and devoted to research, learning, human development and community engagement. I have started and supported the development of schools, businesses, cooperatives, not for profit organizations, TEDx Talks, international youth exchanges, graduate program development and mentored adult learning at the Masters level since 2013. My current membership in the EdD in Educational & Professional Practice, Waldorf Education program, Antioch University is a continuation of my formal studies. My background includes a Master of Integrated Arts, Waldorf High School Teacher certification, BA General Studies, Liberating Structures training and practice, Expressive Arts certification, Youth Development diploma from Grant MacEwan College, Improvisation for the Classroom – Paul Sills and The Art of Facilitation Training with Caroline Estes of the Alpha Institute. »


Date :
octobre 20
Heure :
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT