À Propos

Duncan, B.C. – Tuesday October 24 – Wednesday October 25, 2023 Location: Sol Centre, 5380 Trans Canada HWY, Duncan, BC. V9L 6W4              Contact: Genier Nicolette Email: nicolette111@icloud.com Tuesday Oct 24: 7pm - 9pm- Lecture - Translocation or Transformation of Disease Wednesday Oct 25: Workshop (afternoon) :  Time...

Montreal, Quebec  - Monday October 23, 2023 Location: 263 East, Duluth Ave, Montreal    Contact: Arie van Ameringen            Email: arieva.perceval@gmail Monday Oct 23: Short workshop: 1.30pm – 4.30pm - The Elemental World and its Three Kingdoms: Consciously bringing Christ between Lucifer, Azuras and Ahriman within Technological Devices Lecture:...

Toronto, Ontario -  Friday October 20- Sunday October 22, 2023 Location: tbc                 Contact: Grant Davis     Email: grant.davis@rogers.com Friday Oct 20: 7 – 9 pm - Lecture 1  - An Introduction to the Nordic Path of Initiation Saturday Oct 21: Workshop: 10am – 4pm  - Entering the...

Saturday, June 3, 2023 12:00 – 2:30 PM (Eastern Standard Time), USA The Awakening of the Etheric Heart and Christ as the Lord of Karma Zoom presentation by Christine Gruwez from Antwerp, Belgium, Europe For information, please contact: Dorothy LeBaron at lebaron@nauticalmind.com $15 suggested donation The link to the Zoom Meeting, will be available a...

Susan : Craig, vous avez été ordonné prêtre de la Communauté des chrétiens en 1992. Et c’est en 2019 que vous avez assumé le rôle de Lenker (coordinateur) pour les congrégations américaines et canadiennes. Au mois de juin, lors de la Pentecôte, vous êtes venu...