05 Dec An interview with Ralph Danyluk on electro-magnetic pollution and modern wireless technologies
Ralph, you and I have been good friends since the early 70s in Vancouver where we first met Anthroposophy. Back then you were finishing a Master’s Degree in Biophysics at SFU.
I understand that you have an active interest in Electro-Smog, wireless technologies and so forth. Can you tell me more about this and how your interest developed?
My interest in this area was piqued during the time I spent working and studying at the Goetheanum beginning in 2008. It was really a convergence of a lifelong interest in science and technology from my personal and working life of over 30 years, especially in the fields of electro-magnetism, radio and computing, and Rudolf Steiner’s numerous indications and writings about this subject. It was in Dornach that I was introduced to the work of Paul Emberson who brought a sharp focus (at times controversial) and awareness to Steiner’s writings on this subject.
At the same time there was a growing concern in the main-stream culture and academia about the new technologies ranging from cell-phones (or Handys as they are called in Europe) to Wi-Fi, DECT cordless phones, dirty electricity etc. All of this was new, not even within one generation, and has been exponentially expanding since 1998.
Investigating and researching this subject was a natural convergence of my academic and work life with my life in and love for Anthroposophy.
Could you say more about any research that you have been involved in?
It became increasingly clear to me that the new technologies based on a digitized form of electro-magnetic radiation, unknown in nature up to this time, were as much an egregious source of pollution and challenge to human health in body, soul and spirit as the challenges faced by us through food and medicine – GMO and vaccines for example. To find the underlying reality and cut through the half-facts, myths and insouciance became the challenge for me.
What was really at work here? How do we meet this new attack on our well-being? How can we protect ourselves? How does one awaken a growing consciousness for this subject? The question also became more than just one of individual health; it encompassed the social realm as well. For instance , consider the role of ‘social-media’, the use of smart phones by children, Wi-Fi in schools and its possible links to ADHD and autism, etc.
As an outreach or application of the research, I have been able to speak to groups in depth and help many individuals cope with the encroachment of electro-smog in their lives.
Rachel Carlson’s book Silent Spring written in 1962 spawned the environmental movement and questioned the materialistic scientific paradigm of the times. Interestingly there is a recent book titled An Electronic Silent Spring published in 2014 by Katie Singer which attempts to do for Electro-Magnetic pollution what Rachel Carlson did for DDT and its ilk.
We sometimes hear the term Electro-Hypersensitivity or EHS for short. Do you experience this sensitivity?
EHS refers to overt symptoms experienced by individuals in the presence of electro-magnetic fields. The growing number of individuals affected by this are less and less thought of as hypochondriacs, but more rather as the proverbial ‘canaries in a coal mine’.
For me, when I am in an electro-smog environment for some length of time I experience tension, headache, ringing in the ears and worst of all brain fog. The time and extent depend on the strength and modalities of the fields.
Many people do not think of the body as “electric” or that they are conductors of electricity in their nerves, muscles and tissues. People are receiving antennas. I believe electro-smog affects everyone just not the overtly EHS. It affects our thinking and concentration and it can influence the immune system in a negative way.
What can people do about this danger from EMR?
Wi-Fi is not the Internet. Wi-Fi is merely the way computers are linked. Use a cable to connect your computer to the router and turn the router Wi-Fi off when not in use. Use Airplane mode on all phones, tablets, etc. when not in use. Do not use DECT type cordless phones.
Every situation is different and the answers can sometimes be confusing and technically complex. But there is a wealth of good information out there for your own research. I am also happy to answer questions from readers about their particular situation, how-to information and point them in the right direction.
Wi-Fi is proliferating at a phenomenal rate. If you are EHS and frequent a coffee shop that offers ‘free’ Wi-Fi make it known to the manger or owners of the shop that you find the atmosphere in the shop objectionable. If you are a parent of children in a school that is Wi-Fi enabled, vocalize your objections and request its removal.
Thanks for your time, Ralph. If people wanted to get in touch with you how would they do this?
I would be happy to correspond with anyone who wants to get in touch. I can be reached at rdanyluk at telus dot net
Susan Koppersmith
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