The Vancouver Island Branch began in March of 2021 and meets regularly at the Sol Centre in Duncan BC on the fourth Thursday of each month. For more on this branch, contact Kate Reynolds at or Nicolette Genier
Glenora Farm, a Camphill Community
4766 Waters Rd. Duncan BC
For more information contact:
Adola McWilliam, or 250-746-6341
Olaf Lampson, or 250-746-1740
Sunrise Waldorf School
2148 Lakeside Rd, Duncan – 250-743-7253
The Sol Centre: – healing practitioners, events and learning opportunities
Location: next to The Community Farm Store and Glow Juicery and Cafe. No. 3, 5380 Hwy. 1, Duncan BC. V9L 6W4
Ongoing anthroposophically-inspired talks, workshops and study groups sponsored or organized by the Freya Sophia Waldorf and Steiner Bookstore at the Sol Centre. Please email to be on the Sol-Steiner email list for regular notifications.
Freya-Sophia Waldorf Store and Steiner Bookstore
All things natural for children; toys, wool clothing, art supplies, handwork supplies, books. Warmth, wonder and wisdom for children and adults. Our BOOKSTORE has hundreds of anthroposophical titles on all subjects together with a huge selection of educational and parenting resources. We offer telephone and online ordering but first and foremost we are a brick-and-mortar location, offering an immense selection of beautiful and inspiring resources, gifts and supplies for your viewing and browsing pleasure. All established Waldorf and Steiner suppliers and publishers are represented in our store including Mercurius, Sarah’s Silks, Ecoparade, Fire the Imagination, Grimms, Ostheimer, Holztigger, Warmth and Weather (hocosa, engel), Floris Books, Lindsfaren, Wynstone Press, Waldorf Publications, WECAN, Teach Wonderment, Lemonpress, Jamie York,
Reg Down, as well as dozens of other Canadian and U.S. suppliers, authors and publishers. We are the official distributor of Steiner Books for Western Canada. Check out the Steiner Books website to see the full selection.
Open 10 – 5 Monday through Saturday, closed Sundays and holidays. Call 250-597-4763 or for questions, orders or requests. We are happy to mail your orders to any location in Canada. If you would like to contact the owner, Nicolette Genier, directly or request after hour shopping opportunities her email is
Watch for our upcoming website: We welcome and encourage browsing. We hope you will come visit us!
View our store: (as at march 2023) Our Google 36 tour link: Tour Link:
Vancouver Island Biodynamic Working Group
Monthly gatherings, prep making and stirrings at Riversong Farm. To be on the email list for BD events contact . For BD questions and inquiries, please reach out to farmer Joe at or farmer John at
The Ita Wegman Study Group
Meets the first and third Saturday of every month @ 4:00 pm in Trillium at Glenora Farm (4766 Waters Rd, Duncan, BC). We have worked through all the Karmic Lectures I to VIII, followed by the lecture series “the Fall of the Spirits of Darkness” and we are now reading “From Jesus to Christ”. All are welcome. If you wish to be on the mailing list for this group email or call Patricia (250)748-0699 for more information. Please check by email or phone before attending to confirm that there have been no changes to our schedule
or venue.
Living into Anthroposophy Series of Explorations with Josef Graf
These explorations, based on the spiritual science of anthroposophy, are not lectures. They are explorations via discussion. They are held at Riversong Farm in Glenora from October to April. All are welcome. The explorations will proceed on a donation basis. Appropriate for all levels. Josef Graf teaches anthroposophical watercolour painting in Duncan. He also offers life issues counselling, lends support for study groups, and facilitates educational forums for several different anthroposophical themes, in the form of interactive explorations. For more
information email – J G <>
Devotional Circle (connected to the Christian Community)
We meet once per month and for festivals.
Marilyn Lange 250-737-1881 or`
Cultivate Courage Workshops
Once per month, one day workshops for community and courage building workshops ; experience the arts such as eurythmy, storytelling, nature study, spacial dynamics, painting, from drawing, singing and much more. Contact Kate Reynolds to indicate your interest to attend or to be a presenter at one of our workshops.
Eurythmy workshops with Mary Brian or 250-929-1874
To be put on the e-list for notice of anthroposophical events in the wider Vancouver area, contact Anthony Perzel at
To be added to this list please contact Nicolette Genier at or
"I met Anthroposophy 42 years ago in Kelowna, B.C. It was as though a door opened and brilliant light flooded around me. I soon recognized that Rudolf Steiner was my teacher and that Anthroposophy would be my guide and path through life."
Edna Cox, Port Alberni, BC
"I felt starved at university, and the Society activities provided much-needed nourishment."
Mark McAlister Thornhill, ON
"It’s right for me to help keep anthroposophy alive!"
Suzanne Routhier, PQ
"I became a member as a free gesture to uphold and support the spiritual work of Anthroposophy. I was an eurythmy student in England, and felt inspired by the older generation, John Davy, who had just passed away and Eileen Hutchins and others and wanted to be part of this community too!"
Margaret Osmond, NS
"I joined the Anthroposophical Society, first in the UK , when I was a student at Emerson College. It seemed to me then in 1967, and has done ever since, that this deed is both a modest gesture of support for the significant work at the Goetheanum and the least one can do to honour the karmic privilege of having anthroposophy in one's life."
Diana Hughes Richmond Hill, ON
"I wished to express my gratitude to those who brought this wonderful gift to my attention."
David Charles Adams Cowichan Bay, BC
"I became a member to support the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy in the world."
Barbarah Nicoll, Glade, BC
"Since I was born into an anthroposophical environment I've always been familiar with the most important aspects of it. But I only joined the Society after anthroposophy started to make sense. My wife, who came to anthroposophy through me, was also keen that we should join the Society."
Chris Wilson, Woodstock, ON
"I always had an inner feeling that there was another world we have come from."
Hans-J.Rosch Lucan, ON
"I was already committed to anthroposophy. I wanted to support work being done."
Judy King, Baddeck, NS
"While a student at Emerson College, Foundation Year in the 1970s. I decided to apply for membership in the Society. Adam Bittleston was my study group leader and he encouraged me to do so. I have valued being a Canadian member of the society since then."
Henriette van Hees from Edmonton, AB
"When I joined I was living in an anthroposophically remote area of Canada and was looking to keep my anthroposophical connection alive. I was also ready to make a commitment to the Society and anthroposophy."
Kate Reynolds, Gabriola Island, BC
"I was encouraged by Paul Décarie after a year of participation in the study group."
Roger Laplante, Montreal, PQ
"I was inspired by Rudolf Steiner's philosophy and the various initiatives that have a foundation in anthroposophy (TWS, Arscura School for Living Art, Hesperus Village, etc)."
Vibeke Ball, Richmond Hill, ON
"I wanted to be part of, and support, an organization that is spreading the spiritual truths so desperately needed in our society."
Gregory W Moore Edmonton, Alberta, AB
"I wanted to find a home for my belief in reincarnation."
Reinhard Rosch, Ottawa, ON
"To contribute to anthroposophic impulses."
CoCo Verspoor, Richmond Hill, ON
"To follow and be cued in, as to what’s happening within the Canadian anthroposophical movement. To support (financially) the Canadian scene and also worldwide."
John Vanden Heuvel, Victoria, BC
"I began studying Steiner a few years ago. I did the first part of the Anthroposophy course with Hamo, and I made a trip to the Goetheanum. It then came to me that I wanted/needed to make a more formal commitment to the organization."
Alexandra MacKinnon, Ottawa, ON
"For the moral support of being identified and included in the anthroposophical community."
MaryAnne Causyn, Ottawa, ON