
Anthroposophy and the Humanities: A Symposium

The collegium of the Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities of the School for Spiritual Science in North America will host an online event for friends and members of the Section. This one-hour Zoom event will consist of a brief overview of recent events...

SPECIAL MICHAELMAS EVENT: Virtual Tour of the Goetheanum


The Leadership of the General Anthroposophical Society warmly invites you, as a member of the Anthroposophical Society in North America, to join them in a celebration of Michaelmas with a virtual tour of the Goetheanum and its significance for Anthroposophy.   This very special event...

Invite: Meditation for the Americas

A core group of meditators is working with Steiner’s Meditation for the Americas every day. We check in monthly for an encouragement and sharing session.  Everyone who feels the need to take steps to support humanity in these pivotal times is invited to join this...