COLLABORATING TO AWAKEN INNER CULTURE by Robert McKay As part of his on-going work as a member of the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, Bodo von
Report Worldwide Biography Conference 2015 In June, 2015, four of us from Canada attended the 8th Worldwide Biography Conference. This was a rich gathering of 150 people from 28 co
The Vancouver Michaelmas 2015 conference consolidates the ideas and ideals at the heart of Rudolf Steiner’s 1915 lecture “Preparing for the Sixth Epoch.” Since the incept
In a certain mood of soul, we can become aware of a gulf which separates us from everything which confronts us in life. This gulf appears to delineate insurmountable boundari
Call for Participant Research The North American Anthroposophical Conference Encountering Our Humanity, to be held in Ottawa during the summer of 2016, will include daily afternoon
Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier tous ceux qui ont été présents à notre dernier AGA et Congrès des membres, tenus à Thornhill. L’événement s’est avéré
Dear Friends, This year’s Annual General Meeting was held in Toronto on May 16, 2015. The AGM was attended by some sixty participants and was followed by the annual conference. T
Associated Germinal Moments from the May 2015 AGM in Toronto by Richard Chomko As a member who hasn’t been to many AGMs lately but used to go to them 20 years ago, I felt c