Trillium Waldorf School is raising up to $2 million in Community Bonds

Trillium Waldorf School is raising up to $2 million in Community Bonds

Trillium Waldorf School is raising up to $2 million in Community Bonds as part of our Trillium Rising Campaign to purchase our school building. We call on school supporters, local businesses, foundations and other advocates to be key contributors by investing in this project.

Community Bonds and Social Impact

A community bond is a social finance tool. Investors are paid their interest annually. At the end of the bond period the investor may choose to redeem the principal or re-invest if another offering is available. Trillium bonds will be used for the purchase of our school building, thus ensuring the availability and impact of Waldorf education on many more children from our community.

Social Impacts

  • The Waldorf curriculum promotes the importance of human relationships and respect for the natural world.
  • The Waldorf methodology educates children in a way that will prepare them for the world ahead while encouraging them to be leaders and dynamic thinkers that are independent, curious, bold, and compassionate.

Financial Impacts

Trillium bonds will allow us to keep funds in the community while ensuring the long-term viability of the school. Owning our school will allow us to save on rising rent costs moving forward, enabling us to properly compensate our faculty, expand our programming, and extend our reach.

Trillium Bond Offering

Investors will be offered the following options:

  • Series A – 3% interest, $1000 minimum,

5-year term

  • Series B – 3.5% interest, $10000 minimum, 6-year term
  • Series C- 4% interest, $25000 minimum, 7-year term

Our Trillium Bond Partner

Trillium Waldorf School has partnered with Tapestry Community Capital to manage the investment and interest payment process for the lifetime of the bond (

Investor Package

Investors will receive a formal investment package including: a legally reviewed Offering Statement, Business Plan, Term Sheet, and Trust Agreement.

To invest in the future of Trillium Waldorf School please email us at:

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