
20th - 21st May, please save the date in your calendar  Rudolf Steiner Centre, 3743, Delbrook Avenue. (Delbrook Plaza), North Vancouver The AGM for the Anthroposophical Society in Canada will take place this year in Vancouver on Saturday May 20th and Sunday May 21st. The AGM/conference theme will carry...

The second part of a message from Helga Natoli from Greece through the good offices of Ingrid Krause Athens, 14th of November 2016 In Athens, in a section of the Ellinikos old airport – to be exact – live 300 refugee children from Afghanistan, aged 1 to...

This threefold structure of the social organism is already anchored in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is stated in the 1st article: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and...