Anthroposophical Prison Outreach in Canada

Anthroposophical Prison Outreach in Canada

Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Canada (APOC) provides printed materials to inmates in selected prisons in Canada. We believe that every individual has the potential for a healthy vibrant spiritual life. Our goal is to give inmates access to anthroposophy and to foster self-
development through meditative practice using methods from Rudolf Steiner’s How to Know Higher Worlds. The self-mastery gained helps
inmates lead more responsible lives and consequently reduces the rate of re-incarceration. Materials we provide include:
– densely packed twelve pages of articles and testimonials, these are published twice per year by our American Colleagues and distributed by prison libraries and chapels. See
Information Packet
– upon request; articles on meditation, karma and the Six Protective Exercises by Fred Janney, Denis Klocek, Eileen Bristol and Rudolf Steiner. A booklist and order form.
– upon request an inmate can order a book from our booklist at no cost to them. Titles are 99% by Rudolf Steiner.
Correspondence Courses
– generously donated foundation courses in Anthroposophy are provided by EduCareDo. See
Correspondent’s Program
– this new initiative is a pilot program only at this time. The idea is provide accompaniment to an inmate on their spiritual journey via letter mail.
Feedback from prisoners (identified by their province) about APOC materials:
ON: I already receive books + newsletters from you which I love but am wondering if you can offer me correspondence courses that are
featured in your newsletters.
ON: Thank you very much for your stories, art and poetry, it was all very heart warming to read.
ON: Thank you so much for your letters they are very helpful I do enjoy reading them
MB: I am interested in a free packet. I am on a healing path and hope this would be a great benefit for my walk in life.
BC: Thank you for the beautiful books…. I’m learning to listen twice as much as I talk.
BC: Please send books you think are important for the next step.
ON: I’d also like to thank the people behind A.P.O. for dedicating time and resources toward a group of people that is often forgot about
and left to rot. It’s great what your doing and really appreciated.
ON: I found the book An Outline of Esoteric Science by Rudolf Steiner in our library and to say it struck a chord with me would be
the understatement of the century. … I would love to have a copy that I can keep in my room and read repeatedly.
From prison chaplains and librarians, again identified by province:
ON: Thank you for the copies of the News Letters. We appreciate being able to provide them in the Chapel area.
NB: The guys appreciate the donation [of books] the newsletters have all been taken.
NB: Thank you very much! along with the other inmate will appreciate any of these donations! Thanks again for your service
BC: We all appreciate this. [receiving books] I do appreciate that you are doing all that you can in order to make sure that they hear back
from you.[about letters] I know that the inmates always deeply appreciate it.
The anthroposophical prison outreach program was initiated by Timothy Nadelle in Canada in 2017. Subsequently stewardship has been passed to Raun Griffiths. Both Tim and Raun were inspired by Fred Janney’s talk about the American prison outreach program which he helped to found over 20 years ago. Fred spoke at the 2016 ASC conference in Ottawa.
APOC is grateful for any donations of the following: money donated via ASC, gently used books on spirituality by Rudolf Steiner or his pupils, and volunteer time. To learn more, please contact steward Raun Griffiths by mobile 613-875-0750 or email

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