From the World Society

From the World Society

Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada

On The Evolving Role of the General Secretary

Each November, as part of a set of important meetings that take place at the Goetheanum, the General Secretaries from around the world gather as a circle of support for the Executive Council of the General Anthroposophical Society.

During the establishment of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, the circle of General Secretaries, as an organ of this Society, was established. As described in the proceedings of the Christmas Conference, this circle was envisioned as forming a link between the heart of this Society at the Goetheanum and the groups of members who had joined themselves through a National Society, or Group, in their various countries. Rudolf Steiner placed great importance on the role of these individuals, who were seen as being able to represent anthroposophy in their countries, while also communicating to the leadership at the Goetheanum essential developments occurring in the countries they represented.  These first General Secretaries were remarkable individuals and were seen as being an integral part of the work of the Vorstand, and indeed part of the Vorstand when in Dornach.

Over the intervening decades a form of working has evolved where this circle of General Secretaries, who represent national societies with more than 500 members, have joined the Vorstand, or Executive Council, twice a year; in November and before the General Assembly on Palm Sunday.

As Anthroposophical Societies began to be established in countries with less than 500 members an alternate representation process has evolved. These Societies have been represented by Country Representatives who join the circle of General Secretaries in the spring meeting before the Palm Sunday General Assembly.

As part of the efforts of the Executive Council to re-evaluate the efficacy of their leadership structure, this body of representatives from all of the Societies around the world has gone through significant development in the past year. As an effort to bring alive the original intention of there being active collaboration between the Executive Council and those carrying responsibility for the Anthroposophical Society in their various countries, the circle of General Secretaries was asked to become more active in the process of working with the Goetheanum Leadership to recommend the appointment, or re-appointment, of members to the Executive Council.

In reflecting on this step, one can appreciate this effort on the part of the Goetheanum Leadership, and especially the Executive Council, to involve the circle of those carrying responsibility for the Anthroposophical Society around the world in this centrally important process of helping determine the makeup of the Executive Council. At the same time, when the original Vorstand was established by Rudolf Steiner during the Christmas Conference the process was for the Vorstand, or Executive Council, to identify those who they saw as their colleagues. This has been the practice during the intervening decades, until 2018 when the General Secretaries were asked to support the process of selection.

This request that the General Secretaries become engaged in this key decision was initiated prior to last year’s General Assembly. The unanticipated outcome was that, although this process had taken place, those recommended for reappointment were not reaffirmed by the General Assembly. Understandably, this has brought about a great deal of reflection and re-evaluation of this new process over the intervening months – considering the outcome while reaffirming the intent to share responsibility for recommending appointments to the Executive Council.

Over the past year, this process for shared responsibility has been reviewed in depth with a recognition both by the Executive Council and the circle of General Secretaries that this intention is a positive and constructive one, but also one that needs careful reflection and work.

Coming out of this process, in our November 2018 meeting the decision was made to move forward with formally identifying this circle, and to expand the circle to include the Country Representatives of the smaller National Societies. This expanded circle, which now represents all of the established Societies around the world, will now be established as an organ of the General Anthroposophical Society with specific duties and responsibilities. The first step in this process was taken in November and will move forward as part of what is being prepared for the 2019 General Assembly.

In January I wrote to you of the important theme introduced by the Executive Council to the International Circle of Class Holders. These contribution turned to the forms that have developed for our work over the past decades, asking if they remain filled with meaning for us. The steps taken to more closely integrate the contributions possible from the Circle of Country Representatives is one step in this re-evaluation process. With honesty and genuine interest the Executive Council and the Goetheanum Leadership, now with this developing Circle of Country Representatives, seek to renew and strengthen the meaning of the forms we use for our shared anthroposophical life – that these ways-of working cultivate, renew, and enrich our common striving as we go into a new century together.

With warm regards,

Bert Chase

General Secretary for Canada

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