25 May IN THESE TIMES : poem by Brenda Hammond
In these times we weave
The fabric of love
With phone calls far and near;
In smiles for strangers
As we pass, keeping
And staying six feet apart
We weave the design of love
In prayers and thoughts
For all those in distress;
For the many souls who cross,
Alone, through the gate of death…
Is this what the virus wants?
In these times we have the chance
To strengthen our souls
To take advantage of quiet time,
Break that habit of touching the face;
Stepping back to evaluate –
What exactly is it that I, alone,
Can bring to this world?
Is this what the virus wants?
In these times I’d say,
Rather, it’s what the angels and archangels,
All the company of heaven,
Want, as they work and strive and toil to turn
Our pain and suffering towards the Good,
Towards right evolution of our
Damaged, threatened earth?
In these day we recognize
The rightness of rhythm;
How we can be helped and carried
By differentiating the days
Of the week,
Connect with the colour,
The grain, the stone,
The task of the 8-fold path.
Thus we learn to survive
To live more consciously, more morally
Again and again and again
In these times.
Brenda Hammond
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