The first issue of the Society’s new publication, Perspectives, has been distributed to all members of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada The editorial team is already
The Anthroposophical Society in Canada A Report from the Council From L to R , Bert Chase, Micah Edelstein, Susan Koppersmith, Catarina Burisch, John Glanzer and Claudette Leblanc
Anthroposophical Prison Outreach Canada (APOC) is still in its infancy. We have mailed posters and two books – Knowledge of Higher Worlds and Theosophy – to all prison librar
Let us continue our voyage into the history of the White Rose. This movement that fought to resist the regime in Nazi Germany can be a powerful source of inspiration for our times.
Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada Rushing toward Europe, 30,000 feet above the vast immensity of our Canadian north, I look down upon the threshold
There are certain stories that follow us all our lives and leave an indelible mark on our souls – inspiring stories that are still being written to this day. For me, the history
The Vidar Foundation helps connect borrowers from socially worthy projects with lenders who want to invest their money in ways that can help the world to heal. Like our much larger
Halton Waldorf is growing a high school. The school located in the Orchard neighborhood of Burlington, Ontario not far from the Niagara Escarpment and the shores of Lake Ontario.
It has been always my dream to live in a harmonious way with nature. I grew up in the country side in northern Germany and played each afternoon in fields and forests. In my early