Chers amis, Dans la semaine du 13 février, j’ai appris le décès de trois personnes de notre communauté anthroposophique de Thornhill, en Ontario. Robert Nason et Michelle Mon
– by Élyse PomeranzI am grateful to Nick Thomas for his article on Group Meditation. Mark McAlister asked if anyone has read the books by Arthur Zajonc and Michael Lip
Dear Friends,During the week of February 13th, I received word of the deaths of three persons in our Thornhill anthroposophical community in Ontario. Robert Nason and Michelle Monk
– by Angelica Thiemann with small additions of IB Bastian, January 23, 2011 I first met Inge as a member of an Anthroposophical Society group, probably in 1986, and soon lear
– by James Steil Reflections on the Frank Chester Research Residency and the Symposium for Spiritual Scientific Research – November 2010 Having attended both of the abo
Aux membres de la Société anthroposophique au Canada Sujet : Célébration du 150e anniversaire de la naissance de Rudolf Steiner, 2011 – par Judy King (au nom du Cons
Chers amis Dans la première semaine du mois de novembre les Secrétaires généraux se sont réunis au Goetheanum avec le Comité Directeur et les responsables de Sections de l’
Dear Friends,During the first week of November the General Secretaries met at the Goetheanum with the Executive Council and section leaders from the School for Spiritual Science. T
Winter Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse – December 21, 2010 – by Debbie Allen The Winter Solstice has, of late, become associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012