Pure Light by Trinh Huynh

Pure Light by Trinh Huynh



You cast the dragon down to earth,

So man, on earth, can look up to heaven and witness pure light.


The dragon fell into abyss of matter.

There in darkness, pure light of redemption reaches it not,

For from above, in humanity, divine light becomes lost.


Depth of the abyss attracts man more than height of heaven.

He looks down rather than looks up.

Into darkness, he forgets pure light.


The dragon lures man deeper into its abyss.

In darkness of materialism, he falls asleep.

In endless dreams, he builds up materialistic wonders!


When it comes, death blows man into dust.

The meanings of his existence; Who he is and Why on earth;

All with the light are lost in his wild dreams.


Humanity! Are you waking up?

From the height, Michael’s light casts its hint into abyss’ depths,

Seeking souls that have awakened.


Following the dim light, man must find his own light!

Brightly, that new heavenly light will shine forth from the furthest depths!

Heaven on earth, humanity must become!


With his divine light, man will then penetrate the dragon!

Redeem it and transcend materialism!

Human beings! May you find your light!


T.H. (with edit suggestions from brothers)
For Michaelmas ‘2016

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