Shared Seed Moments

Shared Seed Moments

At Encountering our Humanity‘s plenum participants were asked to share something small enough to carry with them, take care of it and make it grow. Here are some seeds.

À la plénière nous avons demandé aux participants de partager quelque chose d’assez petit pour qu’ils puissent l’amener avec eux, s’en occuper et le faire s’épanouir. Voici quelques germes.

Gratitude for the encounters with others striving towards the spiritual within our humanity.

Search, Cherche, Research, Recherche, Together, Ensemble

Discovering my own forces through others’ mirroring attitudes.

I will strive to make every encounter I have with the human beings I meet, a special encounter.

In the encounter lives the key to opening the door to know ourselves and the world.

From discouragement to hope.

Play your Talk.

Just take the leap.

Fragmentation is Fairy dust to keep us awake. Merci!

The new form for the Anthroposophical Society is perceptible in the heart forces of the youth.

So karma is in disarray. Well, do something! We did!! Well, now go forth and do some more.

What have I not done that I could do?

Dare to risk! Make a clear intention. If it is wrong, don’t worry. The universe will help to transform it. Just start.

Oh, Anthroposophia, I got a glimpse of you. You responded to us…….

Focus—support the Circle.

Meditation is necessary for the spiritual health of the world.

Now I have Canada in my heart and thoughts. And I am going to bring it back with me to France so that it will inspire my actions over there. Thank-you.

Due to Fred Janney and his colleagues, prisoners are reading and grateful for anthroposophy. Due to Michael Schmidt and his colleagues we still have raw milk. Due to Douglas Cardinal and his colleagues, we have beautiful spaces in which to live. Due to Nigel Wright, children are speaking again. Due to Michael and Rudolf Steiner we are here.

The individual in community.

Let the masks fall. We came from four sacred directions—east, west, north, south. We listened and spoke. Great wisdom, passion, depth were shared as gifts for us to partake. We are not alone. It is OK to take a step off the edge into the unknown. It is necessary.

The conference has been inspiring and energizing. It has also been exhausting, humiliating, and at times depressing. This spiritual growth stuff is way more work than I had signed on for. I hope it will be beneficial for my karma. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple “oy”. Feel the “oy” and do it anyway.

Humour is a straight line between one another, warming the soul with joy. Thank you all.

I came wondering – why am I coming? Aha! I re-met the one who before my 20th birthday, revealed Anthroposophy to me. 35 years later I was able to say “Thank-you, you saved my life.”

My seed – try and wait and try and try….the moment will come. TRY

A glimpse of the activities of the hierarchies in our daily life. Be heart conscious.

Resolving to take greater care in what I let into my soul.

That we can combine western, native, and anthroposophical etheric heart initiatives.

The greatest gift is human encounter. How to be more awake?

Ce congrès m’a apporté des connaissances très enrichissantes qui me permettront de voir la vie avec une plus grande richesse.


Mon moment ‘’A” serait comment Duncan Keepie a expliqué et transmis si humainement ce qu’est un ARCHÉTYPE.

‘’Importance de la solidarité”. Dans la Diversité, voir notre Unicité.

Ce que j’apporte avec moi de ce congrès, c’est ‘’La feuille blanche” (Douglas Cardinal) remplie de créativité émergeante et d’Esprit.

Suite à cette rencontre de 7 jours, je verrai maintenant les autres, mes compagnons (gnes) de route comme des représentants de l’humanité, des modèles d’humanité avec qui je vais travailler sur moi.

Joie de vivre when we are together.

Faire ressurgir la vie, ensemble.

Une Force…de Décision…de Réalisation…une Intuition de VIE!

Les amitiés se forment. La clarté dans la situation intérieure aide à clarifier la situation extérieure. Aha! Plusieurs fois par jour.

L’art, pourquoi? Pour l’amour et la joie qui donnent des ailes aux pieds d’argile.

Qu’est-ce que je peux prendre avec moi, assez petit pour qu’il puisse grandir? La rencontre avec ceux qui cherchent, partagent leurs réflexions et les résultats de leur travail et de leurs créations. La rencontre avec ceux dont la quête les a menés sur le même chemin que moi, quel que soit l’endroit où ils sont. Et toujoiurs l’humanité qui s ’exprime dans l’indicible, dans l’impondérable, derrière les mots, les gestes, les intentions.

Derrière les mots, derrière les gestes, dans les intentions, les luttes et les créations: l’humain, sa détermination, son courage et son amour.

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