The Peace Engendering Threefold Organisation of the Social Organism In the years from 2016 UNTIL 2019 – Spread the Word throughout the world…

The Peace Engendering Threefold Organisation of the Social Organism In the years from 2016 UNTIL 2019 – Spread the Word throughout the world…

Screenshot 2017-01-14 17.57.48This threefold structure of the social organism is already anchored in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is stated in the 1st article: All human beings

are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


For fraternal collaboration on the Three-fold Organisation of the Social Organism to all active and hoping individuals – world-wide

– from 2016 until 2019 –

What one cannot think, one also cannot carry as an intention.

Together carry basic concepts concerning the three-fold social order into the world.

This is an appeal to all those human beings, initiatives and groups who are, have been or will be wholeheartedly active in establishing an: understanding of,

Clarification of and realization of:

Freedom in the spiritual life of culture


Equality in the life of the law and justice


Fraternity in the life of Economy *

So let us then join together in spirit, in true brotherhood, putting all differences and diverging methods of working aside. – The myriad of different ways this issue is approached across the face of the earth is to be valued, no matter how great these differences may be. Thus, with single purpose and firm resolve, together we can now engage in raising awareness, understanding and clarification of the threefold structuring of the social organism and work towards its implementation in the whole world, regardless of where we live.

The time has come. Let us seize the moment over these next three and a half years between 2016 and 2019 to pursue co-ordinated worldwide collaboration across all borders.

Firstly there must be the possibility that human beings can gain access to the knowledge that there is a feasible way for developing of social conditions that creates sustainable peace.

There must firstly be the possibility of having the concept harbouring this peace- engendering impulse, so that, at a given point in time, it can be felt as such, in order for it to be wanted by many, many people -.

It is not really possible for a genuine effort to raise awareness to fail, at the worst it can fall on deaf ears… but this cannot be our concern…

What could be cause for concern is: if such an appeal to gather strength for our cause should go unheard. If we would let the moment: “The time is at hand” go by unheard, then the year 2019 would simply be a centenary memorial celebration, – a mere epitaph on the grave of Rudolf Steiner’s social initiative for humanity. –That is in no way what we wish for.


It is not accidental that this CALL is made now in 2016. In 1917 Rudolf Steiner brought his initial suggestions as to a healing restructuring of the social and public realm, first internally, in response to specific questions. Later in 1919 he presented these more fully to the world at large.


Thus we can also to work in an echo of this rhythm– as will be suggested shortly – first internally (2016/17) then continue working together in greater gatherings (in 2018) – internally and publicly – then in a strongly united and well-prepared manner go before the public in the world at large in 2019.

In this regard we can confirm that we will not set up any programmes.
We can confirm that we do not think that we have to deliver any ready-made thought- constructs, but bring clear basic concepts regarding the threefold social order
into the world at large.
And we can confirm that we harbour the intention to stand free and firmly united in spirit for a healing, new ordering power in society at large, open-hearted and forthright with gentle unbending purpose
of will.


The first step is education.

It is possible for many people in today’s world to understand and comprehend the urgent necessity to implement the threefold organisation of the social organism.

The – Practical – Suggestion
Firstly (2016 – 2017) we can discuss the possibilities of a free collaboration coming together of individuals and initiatives in our own regions and countries.
In a next step (2018) all people who speak one common language could come together to talk about how to realise a good and strong mutual approach of all the different initiatives. The results of what had been elaborated could lead to one first public meeting in one of the countries: for instance in London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Melbourne, San Francisco, Cape Town or a chosen town in Canada or New Zealand to represent the initiatives of the English speaking regions.
In a third step (2019) there would be a world-wide 7 day conference at which the representatives of all the initiatives, groups and active individuals would come together to present the wide variety of ideas and impulses that would have arisen to each other and to the world at large. – From this the necessary stimulation and encouragement would be flow from which all manner of new different impulses and powerful initiatives in individual countries.

Example of a Practical Approach

Initially an outline of the constitution of respective countries and the structure of their social institutions and conditions could be drawn up (i.e. the various ministries and their different tasks and areas of activity could be investigated).

Following on from that, the structures that are in place though often organised in a rather chaotic manner could be rearranged and presented according to a healthy threefold ordering of the social organism.

These different ideas, proposals and propositions arising globally through different initiatives pertaining to a new ordering of our social conditions in a health-giving threefold manner would then flow back to the various countries in the form of differentiated suggestions. These could then be taken further as public initiatives in the form of petitions and referendums or whatever forms are possible in the given countries.

It is not of particular importance here, whether we are successful with our concerted fraternal initiatives, but rather that we place the “Three-fold organisation of the social organism into the centre of the world.

Practical suggestion of a first means of contact for the time being.

Initially it would be favourable if one individual or group would take it upon themselves to act as representatives of a nation to co-ordinate communication between different initiatives nationally and also act as a contact for any international communications.

On the internet: this appeal will shortly be published in as many languages as possible. The email-addresses of the above mentioned representatives would be found there.

The website will be called:

The initiative responsible for this CALL is:

Sozialkunst e.V
c/o Rainer Schnurre
Matthiaswiese 12/ D -31 139 Hildesheim Tel: 0049 (0)51 21 – 93 27 591

As an initiator of this CALL “Sozialkunst e.V.” – “Space for social art” only feels itself responsible for connecting and the creation of all the various initiatives and is a speaking partner for all of these. A representative for Germany should be found as soon as possible.

Version of 30.08.2016

A first helpful publication is the booklet by Peter Selg and Marc Desaules: “Ökonomie der Brüderlichkeit” – towards realising Threefold Social Order in our times. Verlag des Ita Wegman Instituts, 1. Auflage 2016 ISBN: 978 – 3 – 905919 – 72 – 1. / The publication is based on two lectures that were held on the 20th and 22nd of Nov. 2015. Peter Selg gives a historical overview and Marc Desaules looks situation and postulates further developments in the threefolding of the social organism

In addition Marc Desaules has written A Human Response to Globalisation: Discovering Associative Economics
Far from being the evil some see it as, economic life provides the ground for a conscious meeting with oneself and with others. Outlining the essential principles of associative economics, this book shines a new light on modern economic phenomenon The aim of the book is to familiarise the reader with the axioms of associative economics as these relate not only to the macro-economic thinking of our times but in terms also of day-to-day financial management.

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