17 Sep Writers Wanted for Perspectives
The editorial team of Perspectives (our Canadian Society publication) is planning for our next few issues. We have decided to have two issues a year, one in the winter and one in the summer. We would like to prioritize youth in the winter editions, which we will publish just through the website. The summer editions will be in usual paper edition delivered to all members at their home and open to submissions from all members.
Our upcoming themes come from planning that is taking place for the 100th anniversary of the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society after the burning of the first Goetheanum in December,1922. As we recall, the original Goetheanum was destroyed in an all-consuming fire that left witnesses desolate. After the initial shock, it was Rudolf Steiner who comforted and encouraged everyone in the movement to look towards the future: “If we are able to change the pain and grief into the impulse to action, then we shall change the sorrowful into a blessing.”(GA 233, lecture 8)
The winter youth edition theme (winter 2021) is:
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