
Associated Germinal Moments from the May 2015 AGM in Toronto by Richard ChomkoAs a member who hasn’t been to many AGMs lately but used to go to them 20 years ago, I felt called to this last one partly because it was happening in my own...

Impressions from the AGM and Conferenceby Dorothy LeBaronI would like to thank each person who was present at the recent AGM and Conference in Thornhill. It was quite an extraordinary event. The group that gathered had a wealth of life experience and connections in the...

Introduction from Jef Saunders As your new administrator I’m looking forward to meeting or engaging with members as I settle in to this new role. Or should I more correctly say, re-entering this role? Before Mark McAlister took on this task seven years ago I spent...

Jef Saunders se présenteEn tant que votre nouvel administrateur, j’anticipe avec enthousiasme le fait qu’en assumant ce nouveau rôle j’aurai l’occasion de vous rencontrer et d’échanger des idées avec vous.  Ou devrais-je plutôt dire : réassumer ce rôle. En effet, il y a sept ans j’ai...

Annual General Meeting 2015Solve et Coagula?Once a year, we the members, have the opportunity to meet together in a formalized setting. In one sense this is a worldly demand placed upon us through our registration as a Not-for Profit Corporation. This legal form places us...