- by Arie van AmeriungenThe Annual General Meeting in TorontoThe annual conference of the Society will take place from May 17th to 19th with the theme And the Darkness Becomes Light. This theme was chosen by the conference organizers to connect with the theme for...
Join us for the Adventure…- by Tim NadelleTwo independent initiatives which have been in hopeful conversation since September 2014 have now firmed up their collaborative intentions. A conference devoted to the exploration and experience of the path of knowledge which is implicit in the Philosophy...
- by Judy KingDear Friends,Mark McAlister is stepping out of the role of Administrator of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. He has carried the work of membership and communications administration for seven years, and will pass this role to new hands at the end of...
A Conference in Epistemological Experimentation)- by Tim NadelleIn the Preface to the 1918 revised edition of the Philosophy of Freedom, Rudolf Steiner writes (Rita Stebbing translation):Everything to be discussed in this book centers around two problems which are fundamental to human soul-life. One of these...
Dear Friends,As I write to you during this Advent season, I would like to share with you several reflections concerning modern biology, then give you a brief overview of the General Secretaries’ meeting and finally offer news of what is being planned at the Goetheanum....
- by Jean BalekianDear Friends,At the beginning of October, we held our Council meeting in Nova Scotia, where we were welcomed with great warmth. In their article, my colleagues Dorothy LeBaron and Judith King will offer you a picture of the many anthroposophical activities taking...
- by Beth CurrieFollowing on the impulse of the visit of Christian Hitsch to Toronto in July, 2014, a group of Anthroposophical artists recently met at Hesperus with Bert Chase, the head of the Visual Arts Section for North America. Bert spoke about the arts...