
Chers amisDans la première semaine du mois de novembre les Secrétaires généraux se sont réunis au Goetheanum avec le Comité Directeur et les responsables de Sections de l’École de Science de l’Esprit.  La question qui a occupé notre attention tout au cours de la semaine :...

An I and Thou Relationship Between Teacher and Students in an Atmosphere of Unknowing (1) - by Diane WaltersI have heard what the talkers were talking, the talk of the beginning and the end,But I do not talk of the beginning or the end,There was...

- by Diana ZinterYOU SELF-LEAD YOURSELF! CONFERENCE I was able to make the journey this summer, traveling to the 63rd latitude to experience this conference in Iceland. There were two attractions: the country itself, and the warm people that I had had a chance to...