29 Mar Fundraising for AGM Eurythmy Performance 2023
Open this document to see a full report, proposed budget and appeal for funds. Enews Interval 2Word (1)...
Open this document to see a full report, proposed budget and appeal for funds. Enews Interval 2Word (1)...
Novalis: “The World Must Be Romanticized.” A zoom-call with Bruce Donehower, Literary Arts Section Sunday, March 26, 4-5 pm Pacific, 7-8 pm Eastern https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8385919046?pwd=bVNyNVBqb1dvOTRmbFhib3M4cE9SUT09 Meeting ID: 838 591 9046, Passcode: asc Bruce Donehower is going to offer a “Creating Together” group on Novalis during the “Festival of Initiative.” On this...
March 3, Friday 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) and March 4, Saturday 10:00AM-4:00 PM CT Saturday Talk & WorkshopJoin Zoom Meetingshttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/89389602254 $15 suggested contribution Please type "Parzival weekend " on the first line of your payment application. To make your payment, please, follow...
Christa Sybilla was born on August 15th, 1927 in Dornach, Switzerland. She was the third child of four siblings, born to Adam Bernhard Guenther and his spouse, Frieda Öschker Guenther. In Dornach she grew up in a very sheltered upbringing and went to the Waldorf...
A Report to Members Concerning the Library of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada Dear friends, The purpose of this letter, as many members are not aware of the changes that have occurred more recently around the library's purpose and function, is fourfold: -to bring you up to date on...
Meet Kim Hunter, A Key Organizer for the 2023 Manitoba Festival by Susan Koppersmith Kim lives on Salt Spring Island in BC. Prior to becoming a Waldorf kindergarten teacher, she worked in the entertainment industry - backstage (sound, lighting and stage/tour managing) organizing and booking tours for artists...