Author: Mark McGivern

                                                                                       Big Baddeck, Cape Breton Island,                                                                                       Nova Scotia.                                                                                       19 August 2012Dear Friends,I want to respond to Colin Rioux-Beausejour’s inviting letter in Glimpses Summer 2012, introducing Vers les Sources group members and their work together, in the Sherbrooke area, Quebec.   It is so encouraging to...

- Andrée Lanthier It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon on April 29 of this year when more than 250 people gathered in the large hall of the École Rudolf Steiner de Montréal for a unique event. It was the EURYTHMY-HOMAGE presentation celebrating eurythmy’s 100 years of...

-  Andrée LanthierPar un beau dimanche ensoleillé, le 29 avril 2012, plus de 250 personnes se sont rendus à l’école Rudolf Steiner de Montréal qui était l’hôte d’un événement unique. Il s’agissait du spectacle EURYTHMIE-HOMMAGE. Hommage à ses cent ans et...