Author: Mark McGivern

New Adult Learning is offering a series of Fall courses and workshops for parents, families and professionals."The NALM processes were developed by Coenraad van Houten, author of Awakening the Will, Practising Destiny Learning, The Threefold Nature of Destiny Learning, and Creative Spiritual Research. (   The...

The Michael Hedley Burton play This War is Not Inevitable is coming to North Vancouver on April 2, Easter Monday. It will be shown at the Waldorf School at 1:30 pm.This production is about the Threefold Social Organism or social threefolding, first conceived by Rudolf...

- by Judy KingDear Friends,Mark McAlister is stepping out of the role of Administrator of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. He has carried the work of membership and communications administration for seven years, and will pass this role to new hands at the end of...

A Conference in Epistemological Experimentation)- by Tim NadelleIn the Preface to the 1918 revised edition of the Philosophy of Freedom, Rudolf Steiner writes (Rita Stebbing translation):Everything to be discussed in this book centers around two problems which are fundamental to human soul-life.  One of these...