
For three weeks in October 2018 Shanghai and Guangzhou were my homes in China. I felt embraced throughout the entire time by a world of love, comfort, creativity, and every day anew there was a surprise. As an Art Therapist my aim was to give...

KSLL (Kootenay Society for LifeLong Learning) was born on Feb 7, 2005 as the International School of the Kootenays Society. In 2009 we changed the name and purpose  from: International School of the Kootenays Purpose: To offer international and intergenerational education that celebrates the human spirit and fosters a lifelong...

"Your Council considers one of its core functions is to encourage and support initiatives in the world by the Membership. One of our members, Tim Nadelle, has taken the initiative to design and launch an Anthroposophical Prison Outreach program in Canada. We are excited to work...

Hello everyone I hope you are enjoying the fall colours.  The yellow and orange leaves make up a bit for the lack of sunshine.  The glow comes from the trees and ground, rather than the sky.  However, the weather is supposed to get better on Sept...