Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, Touch the earth. What do you feel? Press your ear to the winter-slumbering tree. What do you hear? All about us nature seems entombed. Beneath her white mantle the earth herself is turned to stone. Trees present their...
You are cordially invited to participate in a guided three month online (Zoom) course of study and practice on the anthroposophical meditative path. This online, participatory group-learning process is designed for people who are interested in developing toward the disciplined clairvoyance required to conduct research in...
A few years ago when visiting Nova Scotia, our Society president, Micah Edelstein, invited me to a study group at the home of long-time anthroposophists, Arthur and Margaret Osmond, who lived in Dartmouth — just across the harbour from Halifax. The Osmond’s house was near Oathill...
On Saturday afternoon, December 18th, Arie van Ameringen, our former General Secretary, joined with 24 others for the Toronto book launch of The Foundation Stone Meditation and the Challenges of Our Times. The publication of this wonderful new volume of essay on the great mantra...
Marjorie’s story is one of people – constellations of anthroposophical luminaries, communities of devoted colleagues, lifelong friends. At the centre of this intricate tapestry of relationships is her family: strong, ever supportive, warm. At the heart of this wondrous weaving of lives Marjorie places...
Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, For millennia one of humanity’s most cherished endeavours has been to understand the mysteries of the world. We long to find our way into what works from beyond the sense visible, informing our lives together –...
Trillium Waldorf School is raising up to $2 million in Community Bonds as part of our Trillium Rising Campaign to purchase our school building. We call on school supporters, local businesses, foundations and other advocates to be key contributors by investing in this project. Community...
ASC Expands Fundraising Capacity by Accepting Donations of Securities [caption id="attachment_10227" align="alignleft" width="276"] St. Francis shares his mantle[/caption] Note: The information in this article is for convenience only. Nothing in this article is to be taken as financial advice. Please consult your investment or legal professional for...
In 1971/1972 I travelled to Israel - from London (by motorcycle) and ended up on Kibbutz Ein Gedi by the Dead Sea. Being there was the turning point of my life. How so ? One of the many volunteers there was Dilnawaz Bana who had left...