By Tatiana Pavlova, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation What is the North? Geographically, it is the huge area of ocean and land from the North Pole to the Pole Circle, including the
Il ne reste plus que deux mois avant le début de notre congrès. Lors de cette mise à jour de la première semaine de juin, on compte un total de 174 participants provenant de 12
Chers amis,Je vous offre l’article qui suit comme ma lettre pour ce numéro de « Glimpses ». Cet article paraîtra dans le numéro estival du bulletin des membres aux E-U-A
Encircling Light Conference – August 1st to 8th, 2009, Whitehorse, Yukon Our conference is now just two months away. As of this first week in June, 174 participants from twel
At the Annual General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society on 16 May I became a member of the Council of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. I would like to introduce myself
It was an honour to be invited to the Grassroots conference in Ottawa this spring and an occasion for me to remember my brother Dan Huston who lived in Ottawa at the time of his pa
Robert Powell, PhD, is an internationally known lecturer, author, eurythmist and movement therapist. He is founder of the Choreocosmos School of Cosmic and Sacred Dance, and co-fou
Imagination has many faces. At its root, imagination is the faculty of forming and dissolving inner pictures. Imagination ranges from disturbed fantasy to flights of genius, the di