
Early in Rudolf Steiner’s public life, he developed the practice of creating unique identifying motifs for anthroposophical activities. These motifs quickly became visual cues that artistically communicated the essential anthroposophical character of what was taking place. Rudolf Steiner’s intention was that these unique forms would...

[caption id="attachment_3458" align="alignleft" width="296"] Arie, General Secretary; Micah, Secretary; Dorothy, President; John, Treasurer[/caption] The Annual General Meeting, and Conference for members was held this year at the Rudolf Steiner Center in Vancouver. (See article below for report about Conference.) The AGM was well attended by local members....

On the Victoria Day long weekend the Conference and AGM of the Anthroposophical Society of Canada was held in North Vancouver BC at the Rudolf Steiner Centre. “How Can I Represent Humanity Today?” was the Conference theme. There was so much content in the two...

Karl Koenig (1902-1966) was an Austrian paediatrician who founded the worldwide Camphill movement of therapeutic communities for those with special needs. Ita Wegman, an Anthroposophic physician, invited him to work closely with her at her institute for people with disabilities. The Cascadia Society for Social Working...

The second part of a message from Helga Natoli from Greece through the good offices of Ingrid Krause Athens, 14th of November 2016 In Athens, in a section of the Ellinikos old airport – to be exact – live 300 refugee children from Afghanistan, aged 1 to...