
- by John Glanzer Dear Society Members and Friends,As we move through these later vestiges of summer and into the autumn season, there are two items worthy of note.Firstly, most of you are likely aware of the landmark event that took place this summer, when...

                                                                                       Big Baddeck, Cape Breton Island,                                                                                       Nova Scotia.                                                                                       19 August 2012Dear Friends,I want to respond to Colin Rioux-Beausejour’s inviting letter in Glimpses Summer 2012, introducing Vers les Sources group members and their work together, in the Sherbrooke area, Quebec.   It is so encouraging to...

- Andrée Lanthier It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon on April 29 of this year when more than 250 people gathered in the large hall of the École Rudolf Steiner de Montréal for a unique event. It was the EURYTHMY-HOMAGE presentation celebrating eurythmy’s 100 years of...

-  Andrée LanthierPar un beau dimanche ensoleillé, le 29 avril 2012, plus de 250 personnes se sont rendus à l’école Rudolf Steiner de Montréal qui était l’hôte d’un événement unique. Il s’agissait du spectacle EURYTHMIE-HOMMAGE. Hommage à ses cent ans et...