
“We are the Earth” - a personal perspective from Vibeke Ball“Geomancy explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place.”- Marko Pogacnik (link to his website)There was a group of...

Dear friends,On January 23rd 2010, a meeting took place in Toronto, brimming with enthusiasm, seeking to discover the promise and possibility of youth. Our gratitude goes out to Olivia Hanna who organized the event with the support of Robert McKay, Doug Wiley and Mark McAlister....

"Crisis of Money" Conference at the Christian Community, Nov 13-16- by Douglas WylieDaniel Hafner warmly welcomed John Alexandra and mentioned that Rudolf Steiner had indicated to the Christian Community priests that it was part of their task to bring the Three-folding social concepts into the...