Author: Mark McGivern

- de Mark McAlister Pour que nous puissions partager une vision commune de notre communauté il est essentiel que nous en comprenions clairement la structure actuelle. Le schéma ci-dessous résume les rapports-clés entre les différents organes de la Société anthroposophique en Amérique. À partir...

de Dorothy LeBaron et Mark McAlisterChers membres,L’une des questions importantes que notre conseil étudie en ce moment est celle de la communication. Comment relever le défi et faciliter la communication? Comment créer un organe pour faire entendre la voix des membres? Comment devenir plus visibles...

Lundi 27 aout 2012,                                                                                        Big Baddeck, Ile du Cap-Breton,                                                                                       Nouvelle-Écosse                                                                                        Chers amis, Je réponds ici à l’invitation lancée par Colin Rioux-Beauséjour dans sa belle lettre parue dans le numéro d’été 2012 de Glimpses. Colin a présenté le travail du groupe de membres...

- by Mark McAlisterThe Anthroposophical Society in America recently hosted two important events in Ann Arbor, Michigan:Leadership Colloquium (8-9 August)"That Good May Become" - a Conference for Members (9-12 August) Conference website For the past couple of weeks I have been wondering where to start.  How...

- by Mark McAlister A prerequisite  for shared vision in any community is a clear understanding of the currentstructure.  The diagram below summarizes the key relationships in the structure of the Anthroposophical Society in North America.  If we start with simple diagrams like this, we...

- by John Glanzer Dear Society Members and Friends,As we move through these later vestiges of summer and into the autumn season, there are two items worthy of note.Firstly, most of you are likely aware of the landmark event that took place this summer, when...

                                                                                       Big Baddeck, Cape Breton Island,                                                                                       Nova Scotia.                                                                                       19 August 2012Dear Friends,I want to respond to Colin Rioux-Beausejour’s inviting letter in Glimpses Summer 2012, introducing Vers les Sources group members and their work together, in the Sherbrooke area, Quebec.   It is so encouraging to...