
[caption id="attachment_5646" align="alignleft" width="307"] Renée Cossette, Bodo von Plato and Arie van Ameringen (photo Michel Dongois).[/caption] What is a human being? This question was the starting point for a spontaneous four-way conversation over coffee and croissants which took place in Montreal in early November. The conversation...

[caption id="attachment_5605" align="alignleft" width="280"] Detail from the Red Window, Goetheanum[/caption] Dear Members and Friends of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, The respite that summer brings comes all too quickly to an end with the cascade of meetings and conferences that fill the autumn months. This fall’s schedule...

[caption id="attachment_5541" align="alignleft" width="227"] Matthias Girke[/caption] Dear readers, Our concern about the earth’s health moves us and inspires us to worldwide activities. The climate question is linked to our thinking and to our actions. The one-sided pursuit of personal interests and egocentric needs damages the climate on...

Dear Members, “History has been written, the future has not”, is how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, presently the youngest Democratic representative in the US Congress, argues for a transformation of society. The Friday for Future student movement expresses the same sentiments in more concise and radical terms: “Unf**k...